Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Supernatural...Online? :The proposal

Hello my friends, I'd like to ask for you to consider this. Supernatural as a playable RPG and/or MMO video game. A game set in the Supernatural universe. Now, this may put some people off, or may even come across as blasphemy. But consider how rich of a game it could be if done by the right companies.

-A game in which the cast would do voice overs.

-Be any sex, race, or orientation you want.

-Go to any destination in the US via an interactive map. Free roam cities and at the city line, a map of the US is prompted for destination.

-Depending on mode of transportation determines on when you get there, making jobs and events happen in real time.

-Amount of time it takes to get somewhere determines how many people die or whether the job is still there.

-Real time events that werewolves could pop out during the full moon or the other creatures during their season.

-Be different classes of hunters, major in lore (magic/research), hunting (soldier class), and nursing other hunters. have special abilities once you've gained a lot of XP, like learning enough lore to resist demons. Being able to last longer in fights. Patch up hunters without the hospital.

-Have interactive crime scenes in which you impersonate a fed or whoever is needed.

-Find the cursed object or the Monster. have the possibility that you could be misinformed and hunt the wrong thing or torch the wrong object.

-Make a deal with a demon and either gain a legendary objects location or the ability to beat a boss. See actual Hell hounds drag you to hell.

-Be a demon grunt or crossroads demon and advance up the hierarchy.

-Transport across the country or travel the town as smoke.

-Ally with angels or demons and watch the other hunt you, let monsters go and watch hunters hunt you.


-Only specific weapons hurt monsters they're made for.

Guys this could be a great game, but only if we the fans endorse and possibly influence to make it happen. If it is to be, then we cannot let a flimsy company handle it, we need the fandom.

*note: This was just an idea that came to mind the other day.

submitted by Supernatural-Online to Supernatural
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