Hello fellow fine folks of /r/startrek!
Over the past year or so, I’ve watched all four of Star Trek’s “modern” shows, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine (twice), Voyager and Enterprise. I have yet to watch TOS, but I plan to soon enough.
I wanted to take a few minutes and share my thoughts about these shows and how they’ve impacted me overall. I promise I won’t be writing a novel, so I’ll try to keep this at a reasonable length.
Before watching these shows, I’ve only seen the movies and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of the movies. Even the weaker ones. To me, it was just another sci-fi franchise that isn’t Star Wars. If I wanted more of a low-key sci-fi movie, I’d watch Star Trek instead of Star Wars.
Anyway, after diving into the shows, I’ve fallen in love with Star Trek. It’s now up there with Star Wars as one of my favorite franchises. Star Wars is more of an action-driven franchise, while Star Trek is more cerebral.
I really enjoyed all of the shows that I’ve seen. TNG was just great and the movies helped me understand the characters a little bit. I’ve seen DS9 twice, as their Dominion War arc was soooo amazing that I just had to rewatch the entire series immediately afterwards. After DS9, I dove into Voyager, and it’s definitely inconsistent, but I still really enjoyed it a lot and would rewatch many episodes. Enterprise was a pleasant surprise and the last two seasons were amazing.
I know some people like to rank their favorites shows over other shows, but I hate do to that because I really enjoyed them all that I just can’t bring myself to rate a show “last” because someone has to be in last place. That’s not fair to the shows, IMO.
I’ll do it anyway later in this post just because.
So, instead, I’ll be comparing the shows to each other a little bit. Just bear with me.
The Next Generation
The show that really kicked off the whole Star Trek franchise. I know TOS did it, but it was TNG that brought it to today’s society. After growing up on the movies, it was pretty nostalgic for me to see the movies characters that I saw as TV characters. I would say that TNG was pretty consistent littered with many good episodes and also several alright episodes.
Deep Space Nine
As you already read, I’ve seen this show, and this is absolutely one of my most favorite shows of all time, not limited to just Star Trek. Just the serialized nature of it really pushed the show ahead of its time, and it succeed. It had so many AMAZING episodes with many good episodes.
I’ve never viewed this as a “Star Trek” at all. I viewed it as a television show set in the “Star Trek” universe. TNG/VOY is more “Star Trek” than DS9.
I can’t wait to watch it again for the third time.
I’ve read nearly everything about this show on this sub. Many hated it. Many loved it. Personally, I enjoyed it a lot. I’ll say that there were a lot of amazing episodes and their two-parters are outstanding. However, it also came with a lot of crap episodes. It’s basically TNG 2.0.
Let me try to put this in another way: TNG was more consistent with “good” episodes with some duds along the way. VOY had more “good” episodes than TNG, but it also had more “crap” episodes than TNG. I hope that made sense to you.
Like this I how I would rate the episodes of each show (1 is worst, 5 is best):
TNG: 3, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, etc…
VOY: 4, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 4, etc…
Like every previous shows, the first two seasons took a little while to find its footing, but I personally still thought the first 2 seasons were the best of any first two seasons of the previous shows. And holy balls, that season 3. I’m a fan of 24 myself, so the Xindi Arc was very enjoyable for me. It was a lot of fun. Season 4 was amazing with all of these little 3-episodes arcs with a lot of references and easter eggs. That was fun to watch. It was just a shame that it ended so early.
Yes, I did watch the finale. However, I went in knowing that it was crap, and with the knowledge of the basics of the novel, The Good That Men Do, and the finale ended up being an okay episode… for TNG. It wasn’t that bad for me at all.
My personal ratings
- DS9
I really hated doing that because I didn’t want VOY to be in last place and I really enjoyed it a lot, but somebody has to be, so… oh well.
ANYWAY… that’s the summary of my thoughts! Please feel free to add any comments or questions or whatever. I’d love to talk Star Trek with you!
Thanks for reading!!
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