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How could anyone say Jake for DS9? He practically grew up on the show, and perhaps, maybe at age (real), 14, his acting abilities weren't the best, but as time went on, I think he really "grew" up (literally and figuratively), lol. He turned out to be this really attractive, black, hottie who's as tall as your average basketball player (skinny with a amazing, good looking body). There are many episodes where his acting is done very well. His interactions w/Nog and his father (on the show), are all done very well. Notice too, how even throughout the later years, Jake and his dad (Benjamin), always give each other a kiss (either on the forehead or the cheek), lol. If it was me, I wouldn't mind (the keep on giving that boy kisses for as long as I was on the show), lol. Anyone ever been to the café or heard about the lounge (restaurant), that Jake (Cirroc Lofton), opened in his later years in California? You could walk right in, sit down and he'd been in there and you could sit there and chat w/him for as long as you'd want to. That's even better than seeing him as the conventions, lol.
(I'm new here and I looked just about everywhere, and while I know that this subject was posted by someone else, I couldn't find the right place where to put my "comments" on and there was nothing that said that the post was "closed" and/or you couldn't comment any longer on it. Where the heck do you place comments on a post/discussion when you want to add to the discussion? I saw every link under someone's reply, but no where to "add" my comment on that post "Worst Main Character".
submitted by CameronMB to startrek [link] [1 comment] |
submitted by NDIrishB13 to Supernatural [link] [comment] |
submitted by IZnope to XFiles [link] [comment] |
I've just watched Dark Matter season 1, it's the first show in a long time that I feel had a stargate feel to it. But it's really difficult to find good tv shows these days.
What other science fiction shows (If any) do you guys watch?
I know the Superhive was powered by a ZPM but what was it about their tech made them seem so much more superior when powered with one?
And it seems like, with what they were able to do with it, how was their ZPM not depleted so quickly? It seems like other ZPMs get depleted relatively quickly.
Anyway, with that said, what's now preventing other Wraith ships from doing the same thing? How would Earth stop them?
Sorry if these are dumb questions. Haven't seen the series in awhile and just started rewatching but am kind of skipping around.
submitted by HarrHale to farscape [link] [comment] |
submitted by metaphorgotten to XFiles [link] [comment] |
I don't think it's in TOS or TNG but was it in any of the others?
SGU was cool man. It was cool. However, whats the deal? I keep thinking about a few unaswered questions I have. Spoilers ahead potentially!
1: In one of the early episodes, one of the shuttles from Destiny lifts off while the ship is in hyperspace. They never reveal who or what it was. Did the creators give any explanation for this? I'm assuming they wanted to explain this later but the show got cancelled.
2: What's the deal with the planet with the large obelisk. It wasn't in destiny's logs. They never reveal who put it there or what the purpose of it was. What was the obelisk supposed to be?
3: TJs baby. If she lost it, wouldn't they bury it or whatever. She has a vision of it being safe on the obelisk world. However, wouldn't they have had to remove it from TJ when she got shot up? It's been a while since I saw this, so I forgot exactly the circumstances. They never show TJ's baby death. But it would have happened and some of the crew would have seen it. Why would she think the baby is safe in her dreams?
4: The guys who stayed on the obelisk planet got saved and came back to Destiny. Who/what did this?
5: What was the thing they found at the center of the universe? It was older than the universe or something. They don't know what it is exactly. Did the show writers/creators say what their thought process was for this?
Anyways, I'm a little drunk. Hopefully this makes sense. I'm assuming there was supposed to be some ascended type beings and they were responsible for stealing the destiny shuttle (#1 questions) and who built the obelisk planet and obelisk (other questions). They are never referred to or revealed. I am assuming this was the major plot point that Destiny was going to achieve, kinda like the ancients and there stuff in SG1. Sad to see this show go without a movie to wrap it up or whatever. Maybe they will make some books or something to answer this stuff.
Thanks for reading! Any commentary is good commentary!
What a great episode. I've really been enjoying the show lately, and this episode was just awesome. I found myself smiling from ear to ear several times, and I just really loved how much stuff was happening throughout this episode.
I've heard a lot of people talking down about Enterprise, and I was reluctant to even watch it. I'm really glad I did, its a great show.
I just had to talk to someone about this episode, so if anyone has any input, lets talk!
submitted by brightersummerday to XFiles [link] [comment] |
A charismatic Jaffa begins assembling an army of Jaffa, seemingly wanting to lead the Jaffa to freedom. However, he seems too good to be true.
Soon he sends Jaffa on suicide missions, making SG-1 question his MO. But this warrior harbours a dark secret, a secret even darker than his methods.