Saturday, 29 August 2015

Can Q Get Drunk?

I was thinking about this as I was watching "True Q" (s6e6). Q tells Amanda that the Q can do anything they like.

Putting myself in Amanda's shoes, I'd be tempted to make a drug that would put me an amazingly luxurious high. And then do it again. I would probably become a drug addict as Q. But being drunk or high involves being physically or mentally incapacitated, which would put limits on Q's omnipotence.

Adding to this theory, to my memory we don't see any of the Q trying to get high; it seems like Q's only source of pleasure is fucking with other species.

Maybe another way to pose this question is: Can God make a drink strong enough that he can become intoxicated from it?

(EDITs for clarity)

submitted by banjoman63 to startrek
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